Parallel Session Marking No’s 28 – 54

Parallel session applications – No’s 28 – 54

(5) Excellent
(4) Very good
(3) Good
(2) Average
(1) Poor
(0) Reject

Step 1 of 27

Call for parallel session proposals : Entry # 28 How do we use WPBA and what the future might hold?
Session title:
How do we use WPBA and what the future might hold?
Please provide one paragraph of text limited to 50 words which is a summarisation of your session
While on-the-job evaluation of trainees (and specialists) is far from new, WPBAs, now supervised learning events (SLEs), are 15 years old. We review what they have taught us in postgraduate education and consider how this may evolve in the future to recognise learning and direct development across the professional spectrum
Learning Objectives
Apply data that supports flexibility of SLEs to one’s own setting
Break down the utility of SLEs and channel their use in one’s own setting
Challenge one’s existing perceptions of SLEs and consider opportunities for their use in the future
Session theme:
Assessment of learning
Does your session specifically target a particular group?
Preferred session delivery:
Face to face
Preferred session format:
Symposia / panel discussion
Unlimited number of attendees
  • Yes
Have you presented this in the UK this year?
  • No
Explain the ways in which you will ensure your session will be interactive/encourage participation from workshop attendees? (polling and Q&A will be enabled via the conference app)
We w ill use survey tools at the start of the panel to identify how the audience currently uses SLEs and at the end of the panel to see how this has changed. The last session will be a Q&A session led by speakers who have contributed to the session. (We will have 3 speakers but I can only confirm 2 on this submission – the 3rd will be a trainee)
What are the benefits to DEMEC attendees, your institution and/or to the medical/healthcare community?
Guidance and shared examples of SLEs, as established tools, can be used to drive learning authentically in reliable ways. Understanding how SLEs can add value to existing strategies in medical education and integrate their use with summative assessments when determining competence to allow progression. Appreciation of how formative tools that focus on feedback and the narrative of learning can build evidence.
If at all, how do you plan to involve early career researchers in your session?
We shall include a trainee as a panel member, as stakeholders in SLEs, but also increasingly as agents for change and education-minded professionals
Contact Information
Name of submitting Organisation:
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Lead Contact Name:
Claire Coomber
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
[email protected]
Facilitator / Moderator / Chair details
please select
Speaker 1
Parallel session speaker name + job title + name of institution which you are representing
Professor Nicki Cohen
Speaker Email
[email protected]
Short biography (100 words MAX – note word count below the box)
tbc – will provide asap
Presentation experience
will confirm asap
Ethics Approval:
please select only if appropriate
Additional speaker details
Speaker 2
Parallel session speaker name + job title + name of institution which you are representing
Mr John Hines
Speaker Email
[email protected]
Short biography (100 words MAX – note word count below the box)
tbc asap
Presentation experience
tbc asap
Ethics Approval:
please select only if appropriate
Do you wish to add another speaker?
Scoring 28 (How do we use WPBA and what the future might hold?)(Required)
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